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DOT/SAP Qualifying Examination

We Wrote the DOT SAP Exam!

Professional Training Center, Inc. has developed a written examination that meets the DOT requirements. The examination is valid, reliable, and legally defensible.
PTC, Inc. has entered into an agreement with the International Certification and  Reciprocity Consortium, IC&RC / AODA,  for administration of the written examination.

Test Content

The written examination consists of 100 multiple choice items and is based on the nine areas of study delineated within the DOT regulations. The examination is a proctored examination and is available for individuals who have met the training requirements established within the DOT regulations.

If you meet all the requirements,you can book your examination here:

Need Initial Qualification
or Requalification?

Take our SAP Course through our live three-day webinars or at your own pace with our 12-CEU home study course. Both options are excellent ways to achieve growth and compliance and meet all DOT requirements.


Choose the format that works best for you!

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