Effective January 1, 2004, professionals are prohibited from providing DOT substance abuse evaluations unless they have met the revised criteria outlined in the DOT regulations (49 CFR, Part 40, Subpart O, 40.281). The revised criteria requires the substance abuse professional to receive training in nine areas of study and to successfully complete an examination related to the training.
In order to qualify to be a SAP you must be knowledgeable about and have clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of alcohol and controlled substance-related disorders and have one of the following credentials: (all credentials must meet reciprocity standards)
Licensed Physician (Doctor of Medicine or Osteopathy)
Licensed or Certified Psychologist
Licensed or Certified Social Worker
Licensed or Certified Employee Assistance Professional
Licensed or Certified Marriage and Family Therapist
Drug and Alcohol Counselor Lcensed or Certified by either IC&RC, NAADAC, or NBCC
This three day event, includes two days of training (12 CEU’s) related to the nine (9) domains of education required by the DOT regulations followed by the administration of the IC&RC written examination on the morning of the third day.
Participants who successfully complete the training and receive a passing score on the written IC&RC DOT /SAP examination will meet the revised DOT/SAP qualification criteria.
The two days of training will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the revised DOT alcohol and drug testing procedures and clearly define the role and responsibilities of the substance abuse professional. Specific training topics include;
background, rationale, and coverage of the DOT drug testing program
49CFR part 40 and the 6 DOT agencies’ drug and alcohol testing rules
key DOT drug testing requirements including collection, laboratory testing, MRO review, and problems in drug testing
key DOT alcohol testing requirements including the testing process, the role of BATs and STTs, and problems in alcohol testing
SAP qualifications and prohibitions
the role of the SAP and the returning to duty process including the initial employee evaluation, referrals for education and/or treatment, follow-up evaluation, continuing treatment recommendations, and the follow-up drug and alcohol testing plan
SAP consultation and communication with employers, MROs, and treatment providers
reporting and record keeping requirements
legal and ethical issues that SAPs confront in carrying out their duties
Referral resources for the SAP that meets all qualification
Advanced Training for Established SAP's
In addition to our basic qualifying and requalifying training we are now offering a special advanced training opportunity for SAP's who are already qualified. Our trainees have expressed a desire for training that is "the next step" in SAP practice development. This new training covers a number of topics including: special documentation issues, confidentiality problems and exceptions, records maintenance, practice building and outreach and revisions to the regulations. Methods used in the workshop are a mix of lecture presentations, colloquia exchanges and small group exercises.
Note: The two day training can be used as a refresher course for the individual who is already a qualified SAP as it meets the DOT/SAP re-qualification criteria for the 12 contact hours.